(since Jan 2004)

Quality and accurate translations using always the appropriate terminology. Assignments delivered  always in time.
Member of the Spanish Translators and Interpreters Association (ASETRAD)



English,  French Spanish


  • Scientific texts (Physics, Math, Optics, Computing): peer reviewed papers, proceedings, etc.
  • Medical/technical devices (user’s manuals)
  • Medical texts (in collaboration with a translator with a PhD in Biochemistry and specialized in Cancer )
  • Patents 
  • Software localization
  • IT 
  • Market research (specially in the biomed/pharmaceutical sectors)
  • Pedagogic (teaching) material (for science- or technology-related subjects)

I have been a fulltime freelance translator and interpreter since January 2004.  Ever since my professional activity has focused on providing best-quality scientific and technical translations. Should you be interested in finding out more about my latest projects, I can provide you with the list of  my latest collaborations by email

My client portfolio includes agencies and end-clients from several European countries (including Spain) as well as from the United States. To highlight some of my most important collaborations,... I am a regular consultant/collaborator of several departments from various Spanish universities, in charge of writing or proofreading their scientific papers.  Also, I am the official Mathematics translator for  IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization) and I collaborate closely with the National Gallery (London) during the preparations of their temporary exhibitions (loan request letters, catalogue of the exhibition,...).

I have recently initiated a team collaboration with another freelance translator, a Biochemistry PhD specialized in cancer, in order to be able to approach complex medical texts (product profiles, contributions to conferences,...) while maintaining the highest quality standards and ensuring that the terminology employed is accurate and up-to-date. 

Regarding my professional experience before I became a fulltime freelance translator,....
I have a  PhD in Physics (Optics)  from the Spanish Research Council (C.S.I.C.) and the University of Cantabria. During my PhD, English was a fundamental tool used daily, not only for writing scientific articles and conference presentations, but also for writing the Thesis manuscript. 

On the other hand, I have worked for 3 years as Senior Analyst Programmer in the Equities Development Department  of one of the top investment banks in  London and I have been employed for one year as a software consultant in a German company also in London.

Moreover, I spent one full year in the United States  and 6 months in an Engineering School in France, as well as several stays (2-month long) in foreign research institutions in  England, Austria and the United States to complete the experiments required for my PhD.

I master English, French and Spanish (mother tongue), I also speak German (conversational) and I have basic knowledge of  classic Arabic (which I am still studying).

>>For more information about my scientific career, click here.

>> Detailed CV in PDF format available upon request by email (languages: Spanish, English, French or German).